Featured image by Justin Childs
The Friends of The River of Pride and The Unity Flags are very excited to share that the much-loved River of Pride Flag and the not-yet unfurled Unity Flag are going to NYC Pride March to welcome WorldPride to the United States on Sunday, June 30, 2019. And, we bring the flags as symbols to remember and celebrate a half-century of LGBTQQIP2SAA+ liberation and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots.

The flags stand for inclusivity, compassion, respect, love, freedom for everyone to be who they are — and to fight for the rights of all people to be themselves.
The River of Pride flag is a 900’ long rainbow flag. It was born of struggle, love, and the desire to unite the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ community. It began as a 125’ flag in 2006, then in 2007, a 175’ panel was added and finally in 2008, three 200’ sections were added. It was a labor of love, with the five panels connected with 22’ long commercial zippers. The goal of the flag is celebrate together and support one another.
Earlier this year (2018), The Unity Pride Flag idea was created to embrace and

recognize the unique expressions of LGBTQQIP2SAA+ self-identity while being a push to a more inclusive future. It is a patchwork quilt, with nearly 300 3’ x 5’ flags, that display our individuality while connecting and supporting us as a whole. Our goal for the flag to encourage intersectionality and unity in our community and, especially, to bring people who have not felt heard or included in the past.
You may be asking; what can I do? Great question! Consider joining us at New York City to carry one of the flags. We will need hundreds of volunteers. Please register here – it’s easy and, of course, be available, June 30, 2019!
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