Martin Luther King

The River of Pride Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was an important civil rights activist. He was a leader in the movement to end racial segregation in the United States. His most famous address was the “I Have A Dream” speech. He was an advocate of non-violent protest and became the youngest man to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He was assassinated in 1968.

Madonna rings in 2019 with surprise appearance at Stonewall Inn

The River of Pride Madonna

The Queen of Pop was recently named an ambassador of the iconic LGBTQ venue

Madonna rang in 2019 with a surprise appearance at Stonewall Inn, the iconic LGBTQ venue in Greenwich Village, New York.

The Queen of Pop was recently named an ambassador of Stonewall and her New Year’s appearance kicked off a series of events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. In a short speech, Madonna reflected on the anniversary of the gay liberation movement, saying: “I stand here proudly at the place where pride began, the legendary Stonewall Inn, on the birth of a new year. We come together tonight to celebrate 50 years of revolution, 50 years of freedom fighting, 50 years of blood, sweat, and tears. 50 years of sacrifice, 50 years of standing up to discrimination, hatred, and indifference. Let us never forget the Stonewall riots and those who bravely stood up and said enough.”

At the conclusion of her remarks, she led the crowd in singing Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” as well as her own seminal hit “Like A Prayer”. See fan-shot footage below.

Madonna singing “Can’t Help Falling In Love” with David at the Stonewall in NYC (January 1, 2019)

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